Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Life is complicated

Open a dictionary and look for the word, change. What do you see? Well when I looked I found this: 

-verb (used with object)

1. to make the form, nature content, future course, etc., of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone: to change one's name; to change one's opinion; to change the course of history.

In life we experience a lot of change right? A kid grows into a teenager. That teenager grows into a young adult. The young adult becomes a mature adult. A mature adult grows into a senior, and then eventually we all face the inevitable end of life, death. Our lives though are our own to live. We will experience different things, make different choices with what to do with our lives, and make different changes in our life. 

We all live our own path. Our paths though, are similar in some ways. There are somethings in the course of our lives that are inevitable. These things include: things change no matter how much you don't want them to; you will meet new people; experience new things you will like; and we all leave this world with death. As I said we all have a path, you just need to decide what is your path. Do not let other people decide your path for you. 

Let's say you have a career choice that you didn't choose, a career choice your parents decided. If you do not enjoy it I say go back and do something you do enjoy! Don't go on your path of life regretting every moment of it. We all only get one chance at life, you might as well take that chance and do what you want. 

Your life isn't where you want it to be? Change the things in your life that make you unhappy and sad. Change the things that you don't enjoy. Life is to short to be unhappy and miserable for its entirety. Hate that desk job of yours? What about that annoying coworker you can't stand? Talk to someone, make some changes, and try new things you normally wouldn't. 

By trying new things you might experience something you thought you hated, but in fact you actually love. Tried it before? Well hey your perspectives change, your views change, so go ahead and try it again. You might like it the second time? Trying something new, experiencing different things is one of the unmentioned inevitable things about life. You just never know . . . you might be missing out on something great. 

Now what am I trying to get at with all of this? Well basically life is complicated. You never know what to do, you are miserable, happy, sad, depressed, ecstatic, tired, excited, and all those emotions. What you need to do, NO all you have to do in life is to follow your heart, and that will always lead you in the right direction. If you follow what your heart tells you, your path in the end will be full of memories that made you path, your journey, worth while. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

It's not a love story

apologize for the delay in a post, but I have not dedicated time into writing lately. I have been developing ideas though in this time. So I thought I would give you this as a little treat. So, here is a little introduction to a story I just started working on. I hope you enjoy. 

Love is a four letter word. It is noun but it can also be used as a verb. The definition of the word love is, a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person. It can also mean a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend. Love is also a sexual passion or desire. What is love really though? 

What do I mean by that? Well I guess I really don’t know what it is. I would have to say that love is different to each individual person. Some people think love is just having sex with someone else. Their are people who think love is a way to express how you feel about someone or something. What do I believe though? 

I believe that love is when you realize that after getting to know someone, and I mean really getting to know them after a period of time that you can’t even stand to begin thinking  about living without them in your life. Love is when you remember the little things about the other person. The little things that they do that just make them who they are and why you love them. Like how they wake up in the morning and give you that amazing kiss. How about when they try and dress to make their eyes a certain color. Maybe even how they laugh. When you know how a person functions inside and out, that is what I call love. When you would do anything in the world to make that person happy, that is what I call love. 

After all this time of getting to know them, after all you do for the one you love, and even after all the times you laughed and loved together, what do you do when that person you loved no longer wants you in their life? Even after all the possible years of getting to know everything about that person, and falling in madly in love they can still manage to break you heart, just like that. Sometimes you can see it coming, but sometimes it can hit you out of nowhere. 

Then you begin to look back on the memories you shared together. All the times when you two were happy and were having the times of your life. How you two almost got caught doing something you shouldn’t have once. How you tickled her/him, and ended up wrestling each other in a fight of tickling. How you two just laid on the couch all day in each others arms watching movies and just being happy. Thats when you forget what it was like to be happy. This is why this story is called what its called, because it’s not a love story.

To be continued . . . in a longer version of a tale of lost love. 

This has been a introduction to a story based on true events. 

Saturday, July 21, 2012


We all have a purpose in life right? Steve Jobs (co-founder of Apple Inc.) once said this about life, "We're here to put a dent in the universe. Otherwise why would we be here?" The problem is what is a person's purpose, or what "dent" are they going to put in this universe? Good question right?

Take a minute to think . . . what is your purpose in life? What dent are you going to put in the universe for all of us? Think about that for a minute . . . .

If your younger you may be thinking, "What the hell does that matter, I have my whole life ahead of me to think about that." It does matter though. Like I was always told throughout my years in school, "It's never to early to start thinking about your future." I think about it daily, I think what do I want to do with my life? What do I want my purpose in life to be? I believe my purpose is going to be to entertain people with my words and through films. You never really know though do you? I might change my mind. You most likely will change your mind but thats okay. Really it is because its just one more step to finding your dent you will make.

What if you have no clue what you want to do? I say just spend a few minutes every night thinking about it. Connect your interests with possible things you could do for a future career/purpose in life. You may think you don't have a purpose, but you do we all do, you just need to believe in it. There are days I think, I will be a nobody. What do I do to overcome it? I think of my dreams that I have, and I push the limits of those dreams beyond what I had ever imagined. I might not achieve them, I might achieve them, but the important thing is that I will try my hardest to achieve my dent in this world. If someone tells you that you won't or can't do it, do this little thing I like to call "ignoring" and try your hardest. Try, try, and try again that is all I can say. Oh and remember we all have a purpose.

Now, if your older you might be thinking about what have I done with my life to leave a dent behind? Am I right? Well did you get married, have any kids, be in somewhat of a relationship, enjoy life's greatest adventures, or something at all? Some things that you might think are little, could be a big deal if you really think about it. What about having kids and being married, and thats all you did with your life (plus having a job). Lets say you had two kids and you were like the greatest parent to them. Your wife/husband loved you too. Well lets see that is three life's you have affected with your life. I would say that is a pretty big dent, plus those two kids could turn out to be great and because of your existence you brought them into this world to do those great things. Even if they didn't do anything but fall in your footsteps, they still did something great, they made people (someone) happy. What if your not married? What if you just enjoyed life as it went past and stayed happy? Well your dent, I would say, is that you kept yourself happy. Some people are never happy but you managed to do it.

What if you didn't do any of those things. Well reader I don't know your life, but just think of the positives. Think of all the great things that could come from the positives that you have done with your life. The moral or point I am getting at is that everyone has a purpose in life. You may not believe it, but it is the truth about life. I also want to say that everyone deserves to be happy. Sure there are going to be days maybe weeks on end where you are down in the dumps (sad/depressed), but happiness is only so far away and I promise one day you will be happy again if you try. I am not telling you to bury the past to make yourself happy, I am saying that happiness will find you, if you try.

Happiness is a purpose, and it is also a dent that can affect our world in so many ways. Just remember that you have a purpose in your life. All you have to do is try and follow your dreams, along with trying to be happy! Then when you are gone, you will have somehow left a "dent" in the universe!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Lost love

Here is an old story I wrote a couple months ago, but never wanted to put it on here. I decided to put it on here tonight to decide if it is any good? I know there might be quite a few errors because it is a rough idea I had at the time . . . Enjoy it: 

It was supposed to be a perfect weekend for us. She was supposed to come on the 27th of April to spend Friday and Saturday night with me so she could stay the whole weekend. I had it all planned out: Friday we would go have dinner at the local town park, Saturday we would spend all day doing something together, then that night I would surprise her with with dinner at her favorite restaurant, Fuji, then surprise her with a night bowling, then I would take her up on a hill by my house so we could stare at the stars and just talk with each other. Of course though I should have known, things don’t always go according to plan. Who would have guess they would have gone this badly though. 
April 17th, 2013, my girlfriend was leaving for a trip to Florida with her family for like five days. This was all in the plan, I knew she was going on this trip and it was fine, she would be back in time for our special prom that I had planned out for us. She had no idea what I had planned, and I was just getting more excited by the day for surprising her. 

My girlfriend’s name was Emma Manbury. She is absolutely gorgeous, but of course I would say that right? I am not kidding though she is absolutely the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on. She has amazingly smooth blonde hair, the greatest blue eyes you would ever want to stare into, and just incredibly smooth skin. Her personality is just amazing, she is very opinionated (believe me when I say you will never win an argument with her), she can be ditzy which is what makes her great, and she just loves to laugh which I love. 

Enough about me talking about how amazing she is, which you wouldn’t fully understand until you actually met her anyway. Back to her trip to Florida though. Well, she had a great flight down there, everything went perfect. She had let me know when she landed and everything. She took lots of pictures with her iPod which I got via a photo stream on my iPhone and iPad. She looked like she was having a great time. They had went to Disney World for there trip. She took a picture in front of the famous Disney castle. 

The flight home is where everything had went wrong. The accident was devastating. What you might be thinking is that the plane crashed right? Well no, thats not what had happened. The flight went great, prefect even. Her plane landed right on time like it was supposed to. After her plane ride is where everything went wrong I was told. I wasn’t there, and maybe if I was there things could have happened differently. I should have been there, but no instead I was at work washing some semi-trucks. 

I was told by her mother over the phone that Emma had apparently walked across the parking lot to go to there car, and some reckless jackass had come around the corner had hit her going 15 MPH. He had broken both of her legs, and cracked five ribs, and caused serious head trauma. The hospital she was flown to was in Rochester, Minnesota. The second I had heard about it I just took of driving from my home in Owen, Wisconsin. It was about a three hour drive, but the way I was driving, I was there in two hours. 

I loved this girl, I had been dating her for about three years now, and I couldn’t imagine life without her. The car ride was probably the longest time I have been apart from her, and I have gone a month without seeing her before. How could something like this have happened? If only I was there, things could have been completely different. If I was there I could have picked her up out front, so she wouldn’t have had to be in the parking lot at all. 

Her mother told me on the phone as I was driving, that she was in serious condition and that she had went into a coma. I was terrified to lose her. She was my everything as I told her all the time. We have been dating for three years so of course she is very important to me! Only reason we aren’t farther than dating is because I am still in high school and still planning on attending college. 

When I had gotten to the hospital they tI saw her mother immediately. You could tell she had been crying because around her eyes, which were the exact same color as her daughters, were red. She came up to me and said in a somewhat soothing voice, “Emma is in surgery right now for her legs and broken ribs. They said it could take awhile.” 

I hadn’t cried yet because I couldn’t believe the news that I was told. I didn’t want to believe it, but now that I was here I couldn’t help the tears. I couldn’t help it. Emma’s mom brought me into a hug as I cried and said, “It’ll all be okay, she is a tough girl.” 
This has been a story by Noah Mark Bitney 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Two humans (or what appear to be humans) are sitting in front of a futuristic computer screen. On the computer screen is a man walking through a modern day home.

"I am sick of this human, he has become to independent and self possessed."

"Then why don't you just kill him off?"

"I have thought about it, but I have been trying to get him to become wimpy and some-what of a man whore," stated a man with a very techno-style accent.

"I say just buy a new one, and have him do the things you want. I mean wouldn't it be simpler that way?" questioned another man but with a more foreign accent.

"I guess. I mean it is hard to change a human's path isn't it?" asked the first man.

"Yeah after like 15-20 years they start to develop there own since of way, they discover new things that users bring into there world. They decide to change paths from what we have originally set for them. Sure richer people control the better people in the game, and don't care what they do as long as they are successful," explained the foreign accent man.

"Items and people in this are starting to get outta hand though! To kill my human is like $1500," said the techno-style accent man pointing at the screen which was showing prices of methods to kill human.

"I think it should be free to kill a human if it is required of us to kill them when we are done with them," said foreign accent.

"I agree Franklin. They require everyone to kill of their human if they want a new one, but they charge us for it. I wonder what would happen if someone didn't kill of there human?"

Franklin, the foreign accent man, looked shocked at what Josh, the other man, had said. "No one has ever done that Josh. That is crazy talk, it can't be done! That could risk the existence of the game, The Human Condition."

"It can be done, you just have to be smart at it. Plus how would you know that it would risk the existence of the game? No one would know because no one has actually ever done it before. We could be the first ones? Aren't you somewhat interested in what could happen?" exclaimed Josh.

"Well yeah I am sure that we are not the first ones to even think about this! Hypothetically speaking though, if we were to do this, how would we do it?" asked Franklin. Franklin seemed to be very intrigued all of a sudden. "We could be the creators of something greater if we did this couldn't we, the first ones . . . ever, hypothetically speaking though of course."

"Well I am a computer hacker, so we could potentially figure it out. I am sure if we work hard enough we could find away around ending a human cycle with out ending his life. You want to try and see what would happen to a human life without it being under control by any Starter?"

Josh and Franklin are two Starters. Starters are aliens from another planet in the Milky Way Galaxy actually. It is an undiscovered planet called by its natives (Starters), Antecedent. Josh and Franklin are the two Starters that are responsible for the Great War. For the entire existence of the Earth, human beings thought they were there own self. In reality, Starters have been controlling there every move. Everything that has happened in human history, has happened because the Starters were playing a game called, The Human Condition. Starters created earth and everything on it because they wanted to create the ultimate game ever!

Starters would be able to control the life of one human being at a time. They decided everything that the human did. Eventually the game on Antecedent became a Starters life. Starters spend all day controlling the human beings, and when they send their human to bed Starters went out and did there stuff till they woke them up. (Starters never sleep, plus a day on Antecedent is longer than a Earth day).  Starters made money on the game also which is what made the game more of a lifestyle for a Starter.

What Josh and Franklin did was open the human world to us. A human that was aloud to think for itself could make others think for themselves and learn about a Starters existence! After Josh unlocked Zac Ruiln, his human being you found out earlier, all it took was three months for the Great War to begin. Where Humans rebelled against Starters who invaded, for there freedom. So begins the story of the pawns.

There is more to come on this interesting concept. This has been a fictional story by Noah Mark Bitney.